DIY Ant Control Solutions That Work

These little six-legged nuisances that seem to have no end to their energy and invasion of our homes. If you’re like me, you’ve spent far too much time and money trying to stop the ant onslaught, but it seems like no matter what you do, the ants keep coming.

Well, I’m here to tell you that the time for frustration is over and the time for solutions is here! I’m an expert in DIY ant control solutions, and I’m here to show you how you can finally get rid of those pesky ants once and for all.

Let me start off by saying that ants can be quite tricky to get rid of. After all, they can squeeze through the tiniest of cracks, and they can outrun even the quickest of humans. However, with the right knowledge and tools, you can be sure to get rid of those pesky pests.

From using natural remedies to using specialized ant traps and sprays, there are plenty of DIY solutions to choose from.

So, if you’re ready to take on the challenge, let’s get started!

DIY Ant Control Solutions

Identifying Ants


Have you ever noticed a small line of ants marching along your kitchen counter? Those ants are trying to tell you something – that you have a pest problem! But before you can get rid of them, you need to identify the type of ant you’re dealing with.

A good place to start is by looking at the ant’s size. If they’re smaller than a quarter inch, they’re probably pharaoh ants. These ants have a yellowish-brown hue and are attracted to sweet foods. On the other hand, if they’re larger than a quarter inch, they may be carpenter ants. These ants have a black or red color and prefer to eat protein-rich foods.

You’ll also want to take note of the ant’s behavior. Pharaoh ants are usually found in large numbers, and they often enter homes through cracks and crevices. Carpenter ants, on the other hand, usually live outside and enter homes through small openings in the walls or foundations.

Finally, it’s important to look at the ant’s environment. Pharaoh ants are typically found in warm, humid areas like bathrooms and kitchens. Carpenter ants, on the other hand, are more likely to be found around wood, like decks and sheds.

Once you’ve identified the type of ant you’re dealing with, you can move on to the next step: eliminating them.


DIY Ant Control Solutions That Work 1

Exclusion is one of the most effective ways to keep ants out of your house. You can use a combination of physical and chemical barriers to keep ants out of your home.

Physical Barriers

  • Seal up any gaps or cracks in your home’s walls and foundations. Check around windows and doors, as well as any vents or pipes. Use caulk or foam insulation to seal up the gaps.
  • Install door sweeps on your doors and screen windows and doors. Make sure the screens are tightly fitted and don’t have any holes or tears.
  • Replace any weather stripping around windows and doors.
  • Clean up any debris near your home, such as leaves, twigs, and other potential ant habitats.

Chemical Barriers

  • Use insecticide spray or dust around the perimeter of your home. Be sure to read and follow the label directions.
  • Place ant baits around your home, especially near any ant trails or nests.
  • Use an insect growth regulator to prevent ant eggs from hatching.
  • Use essential oils, such as peppermint or citrus, to keep ants away.

These are just a few DIY ant control solutions. Don’t forget to check your home regularly for any new infestations and take appropriate measures to prevent them from entering. Happy ant-proofing!

Natural Repellents

DIY Ant Control Solutions That Work 2

Are ants taking over your home? If you’re looking for natural ant control solutions without having to hire a pest control expert, you’ve come to the right place! Natural repellents are a great way to take your ant problem into your own hands.

  • Diatomaceous earth: If you’ve ever heard of this miracle product, you’ll know why it’s a great ant repellent. It’s a powder that is made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic creatures. When ants come in contact with it, it cuts their exoskeletons and dehydrates them. Just sprinkle it around the entry points of your home, and you’ll be ant-free in no time!
  • Peppermint oil: If you’re looking for a more natural solution to your ant problem, try peppermint oil. Ants don’t like the strong smell of peppermint, so just mix a few drops of the oil with some water and spray it around the entry points of your home. The smell should keep the ants away!
  • Vinegar: Believe it or not, vinegar is a great natural repellent for ants. Just mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it around the entry points of your home. The strong smell should keep the ants away!

These natural repellents should help you get rid of the pesky ants in your home without having to hire a pest control expert. Give them a try and see if they work for you!

Physical Barriers

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You might not have thought of it, but physical barriers can be a great way to keep ants out of your home. They’re not just for keeping out pesky intruders, either. Here are a few of my favorite physical barriers for ant control:

  • Place a barrier of diatomaceous earth around your home. This is a fine-grained, silica-based powder that’s effective at killing ants, but won’t harm other insects or humans.
  • Seal off any cracks or crevices that ants can squeeze through, like around windows, doors, and pipes. Caulk or weather stripping can go a long way to keep the ants out.
  • Repair any damaged screens on your windows and doors, and make sure they fit tightly.
  • Place sticky traps around windows and doors to trap ants before they get inside.
  • Plant mint and rosemary around your home. Ants hate the smell of these herbs, so they’ll stay away.

Following these simple steps, you can create a physical barrier against ants and keep them out of your home for good!


DIY Ant Control Solutions That Work 3

Bait is one of the most effective solutions for controlling ants in your home. Ants have a sweet tooth and can be easily lured into traps with the right bait. Here are some of the best baits to use for ant control.

  • Granulated sugar: This is one of the most popular and effective options when it comes to baiting ants. Granulated sugar is an easy-to-use and affordable bait. Sprinkle it into areas where you’ve seen ant activity and watch as they come to feast.
  • Honey: Another great bait option is honey, which ants love. The sweetness of honey makes it an attractive option for ants and a great way to control them.
  • Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is another great choice for baiting ants. Its nutty flavor is irresistible to ants and is a great way to lure them into traps.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is an excellent option for controlling ants. It has a high concentration of fatty acids, which ants find irresistible. Place a few drops of coconut oil in areas of ant activity and watch as they come running.
  • Cornmeal: Cornmeal is an excellent bait for controlling ants. Ants are attracted to the sweet, nutty flavor and can be easily lured into traps with it.

If you’re looking for an easy and effective way to control ants in your home, try using one of these baits. With a little bit of patience and the right bait, you can get those pesky ants under control in no time!


DIY Ant Control Solutions That Work 3

Bait is one of the most effective solutions for controlling ants in your home. Ants have a sweet tooth and can be easily lured into traps with the right bait. Here are some of the best baits to use for ant control.

  • Granulated sugar: This is one of the most popular and effective options when it comes to baiting ants. Granulated sugar is an easy-to-use and affordable bait. Sprinkle it into areas where you’ve seen ant activity and watch as they come to feast.
  • Honey: Another great bait option is honey, which ants love. The sweetness of honey makes it an attractive option for ants and a great way to control them.
  • Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is another great choice for baiting ants. Its nutty flavor is irresistible to ants and is a great way to lure them into traps.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is an excellent option for controlling ants. It has a high concentration of fatty acids, which ants find irresistible. Place a few drops of coconut oil in areas of ant activity and watch as they come running.
  • Cornmeal: Cornmeal is an excellent bait for controlling ants. Ants are attracted to the sweet, nutty flavor and can be easily lured into traps with it.

If you’re looking for an easy and effective way to control ants in your home, try using one of these baits. With a little bit of patience and the right bait, you can get those pesky ants under control in no time!

Non-Chemical Solutions

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Are you looking for non-chemical solutions to tackle your ant problem? You don’t need to go out and buy toxic sprays and ant traps! Here are some DIY ant control solutions guaranteed to help you say goodbye to those pesky critters.

  • Vacuum them up – This may sound simple, but it’s a great way to eliminate ants quickly. Vacuuming up ants and their trails can help keep them from coming back. Remove your vacuum cleaner into a sealed bag so those little buggers don’t crawl back out!
  • Create ant repellent – You can use ingredients like vinegar, peppermint, citrus oil, and cinnamon to make an ant repellent. Just mix equal parts of each ingredient and spray it on the entry points of your home. The smell of these ingredients repels ants, and they won’t return!
  • Keep your home clean – Ants are attracted to food and dirt, so it’s important to keep your home clean and free of crumbs. Make sure to wipe down counters and vacuum regularly.
  • Create barriers – You can create barriers around the perimeter of your home to keep ants out. Use items like chalk, talcum powder, or coffee grounds to create a natural barrier that ants won’t cross.
  • Use borax – Borax is a natural cleaning product that can be used to create ant traps. Mix borax with sugar and water, and place the mixture in areas where you’ve seen ant activity. The ants will be attracted to the mix and take it back to their colony, which will help get rid of the infestation.
  • Plant peppermint – Planting peppermint around the foundation of your home can help keep ants away. The smell of peppermint is strong and repels ants, and it’s also a natural way to keep them away from your home.
  • Use a fan – You can use a fan to keep ants away from your home. Place a fan in front of your door or window and it will create a wind barrier that ants won’t be able to get through.

Say goodbye to those pesky ants with these DIY ant control solutions! With a little bit of effort and some natural ingredients, you can keep ants from invading your home.

Maintenance and Prevention

DIY Ant Control Solutions That Work 7

Preventing ant infestations is a lot easier than you might think! Whether you’re looking to keep ants out of your home or just make sure their numbers stay low, there are a few simple steps you can take.

  • Keep it clean: Ants are attracted to food and water, so keeping your home clean and free of crumbs and spills is key. Ensure you regularly vacuum and wipe down surfaces to keep ants away.
  • Seal up cracks: Ants can fit through the tiniest of cracks, so make sure you caulk and seal up any openings in your walls and windows to keep them from entering your home.
  • Keep counters clear: After you’ve cooked in the kitchen, make sure you clean up the counters, stovetop, and sink to prevent any ants from being attracted to the crumbs and food residue.
  • Store food properly: Make sure all food is stored in air-tight containers to prevent ants from getting to it.
  • Remove attractants: Any sweet foods or drinks should be removed from your kitchen and other areas of your home to avoid any ants being attracted to them.
  • Tidy the yard: If you have any shrubs or trees with overhanging branches, make sure you trim them back to prevent the ants from using them as a bridge to get into your home.
  • Check for nests: If you have any ant hills or nests near your home, you’ll want to make sure you get rid of them as soon as possible.
  • Be prepared: If you do notice an ant infestation, make sure you have the right products and supplies on hand to take care of it.

Following these simple steps will help you keep your home ant-free and make sure they don’t become a problem.


If you’ve been dealing with an ant infestation in your home, you know first-hand how annoying and frustrating it can be. Pest control professionals understand that it’s not always feasible to call a professional to handle the problem. That’s why it’s important to keep DIY ant control solutions in mind.

From baits and traps to insecticides, there are a variety of techniques to choose from. It’s important to choose the best option for your particular situation. When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to contact a professional to help you make the right decision.

No matter what method you use, it’s important to stay on top of the problem and make sure you’re doing all you can to keep the ants away. With the right approach and patience, you can keep your ant problems from getting out of hand.

So, if you’ve got ants in your pants, don’t worry! With the right approach to DIY ant control, you can help keep them at bay and live in peace. Good luck!



About the author

DIY Pest Control Enthusiast Since 1996

After spending the entire night lying awake in a cockroach-infested hotel, I have driven myself to build knowledge on all things pest control. Since then, I've tested pest control techniques to see what works and what doesn't. Now, here I am giving you all the info I have learned!

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