A patio is a place for rest, and seeing maggots around the area will certainly stop the relaxing feeling!
Maggots are unsightly and unhygienic, meaning they are something you wouldn’t like to see around your home. These insects are white and mostly appear in large numbers at one location—mostly around garbage or dead animal.
One characteristic of maggots is that they are always moving, which gives the impression there are more maggots!
In this post, we will take a look at some tips on how you can get rid of maggots on your patio.
Why do I have Maggots on My Patio?

To understand this, let’s go back to the insect’s biology. Maggots are the young ones of some types of insects, such as flies, beetles, and moths.
The Maggots hatch from the insect’s eggs and take an average of 14 to 36 days before they turn into flies.
The maggots in your patio can be as a result of many things, but ultimately it is near the place that a fly wanted to lay its eggs.
Many things around your patio can serve as food for the maggots, even if they are limited. For example, female flies will lay their eggs close to a reliable food source, such as a trash bit or a dead animal.
Below are some of the ways of getting rid of maggot infestation.
How Do I Get Rid Of Maggots On My Patio?
Spray Insecticides
One effective way of getting rid of maggots on your patio is spraying insecticides around the area.
Focus mainly on areas around your patio furniture and hidden cracks where there may be some rotting materials. One of the best chemicals to use is permethrin.
Permethrin is mainly used in insecticides, repellents, and other products such as pet shampoo and hair shampoo. You can spray all around your patio to avoid its spread, but you should mainly concentrate on the most affected areas.
Always read the package’s instructions, wear protective gear and wash your hands afterward.
Pour Boiling Water on the Maggots
Boiling water is very effective in killing maggots. Boil enough water for about five minutes and pour it gently on the source of the maggots, and the maggots will die instantly.
This method is most effective if maggots are in a quarantined space, but you can continue pouring the hot water around the patio if it occupies a small space.
Don’t use this method if the maggots are on the furniture, as moisture resulting from the water can lead to more problems such as mold growth and dampness.
You should also consider the type of patio flooring before using this method.
Cover the Maggots with Salt, Vinegar, or Lime
Salt sucks up the water from the maggots and results in death by dehydration.
The process may not be as quick as when you use pesticides, but it will eventually work. When I had maggots on my patio, this is the solution that worked for me.
It is essential to keep an eye on the progress and add more salt if the maggots are not dying.
Vinegar may take longer, but it can help if you are willing to wait. The best thing about using this method is to prevent future larvae problems because maggots find such environments uninhabitable.
Use Diatomaceous
Diatomaceous earth is a natural rock mostly used in cleaning and as an insecticide. Diatomaceous earth acts similarly by dehydrating the maggots and killing them slowly. The powder will dehydrate the maggots effectively if you ensure that the maggots are completely covered.
Diatomaceous earth is the best choice if you prefer an organic way of keeping maggots away from your patio.
You can buy the powder in your local home hardware store near you.
Eliminate the Source
Sometimes the reason there is a maggot infestation on your patio is the friendly environment.
A trash bin or pet food around the patio provides food for flies and a place to lay their eggs. The rotting materials in the trash bin are also favorable for the growth of maggots, and the best way to prevent it is by finding another place for your trash bin – far away from the patio!
Leaving pet food outside also attracts flies that lay maggot eggs on the food.
Bringing pet food indoors will keep the flies away and keep the food dry and fresh.
Keep the Patio Clean and Dry
Another way of avoiding maggot infestation is by keeping your patio clean.
You can frequently clean your patio using bleach and water, ensuring that the hard-to-dry parts have minimal contact with water.
Maggots survive better in moist areas, so keeping the moisture away will make the environment unfavorable for them.
Frequently Asked Questions

What kills maggots instantly?
Boiling water will kill maggots instantly. It is one of the most effective methods of maggot control. It is not a preventative measure, though.
How do you get rid of maggots outside?
You can use bleach, boiling water, or insecticide to eliminate maggots outside.
My preference is to use an insecticide because it can leave outside to carry on working. When I had maggots in backyard spaces, I used insecticide and salt to get rid of them.
Can salt kill maggots?
Yes – salt will kill maggots by draining them of moisture. It can’t be a pleasant way of dying, so if being humane is low on your list of priorities, pour salt directly onto the maggots!
Maggots are disgusting! The good news is that by following the tips on this page, you can quickly get rid of maggots on your patio!
You can quickly eliminate maggots using simple methods such as boiling water, salt, and vinegar, or you can use insecticides to kill the maggots and flies that bring them to life.
Preventive measures will also ensure that you don’t face the maggot problem again. Preventive measures include keeping the sources such as rotting food and dustbins away from your patio, cleaning and keeping the area dry, and many more.
You can choose the best combination of the above tips to ensure that maggot infestation in your home is a thing of the past.